Technical work often goes unnoticed. Cherry helps you track and visualize the value of your team's work.
Visualize progress over time on a per-team basis.
Recognize developers based on the contributions they made to reduce your technical debt.
Cherry integrates with your CI/CD. Every new commit is automatically tracked.
Use CODEOWNERS to automatically assign issues to your teams.
Watch important metrics to receive live notifications. Every contribution counts.
We provide all the tools they need to keep a good codebase hygiene and ensure code quality.
Everything is done via the .cherry.js file. You can use our built-in plugins or write your own trackers in JavaScript. No need to learn a new stack.
We regroup commits so your devs can easily find references to pull request and learn by example.
In a single page they can get a sense of the current state of your codebase, find experts to reach out to, get references to pull requests, and concrete next steps on how to contribute.
We help you see all the remaining work at a glance so you can provide better estimates to stakeholders.